Instructions for ordering 48" Cart Grill Cover. (approx $160)
Go to “Covers and All” at
-From the Front page click on menu for “Industrial Covers” (2nd from left, next to “all products”)
-Chose “Machine Covers”
-under measurements input
-Select Fabric
I find this to be the best
Save this file and upload to this section
-Chose this for a zipper on back. Definitely helpful
-And lastly, here is the dimensions/artwork for the 48”. Save this Dimension artwork and upload to this last section.
Click ADD TO CART and input all your details.
Use the code COVERSAVE for a discount. I believe it is 30%
If code dosent work, google “covers and all discount code” for another one. Or look on their front page for a code.
That said, these are really well made. Far and above all I’ve seen. I have asked for this company to give me a QR code number so people could just input that and order without all this, but for some reason, that I cannot figure out, they will not accommodate this.
I have tried many ways and failed at getting them done for me in bulk, thus I am choosing to spend my time on my skill of metal fab!
Thanks so much