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Instructions for ordering 48" Cart Grill Cover. (approx $160)



Go to “Covers and All” at


-From the Front page click on menu for “Industrial Covers” (2nd from left, next to “all products”)


-Chose “Machine Covers”


-under measurements input


















-Select Fabric

I find this to be the best
















Save this file and upload to this section





















-Chose this for a zipper on back. Definitely helpful





























-And lastly, here is the dimensions/artwork for the 48”.  Save this Dimension artwork and upload to this last section. 
































 Click ADD TO CART and input all your details. 

Use the code COVERSAVE for a discount. I believe it is 30%



If code dosent work, google “covers and all discount code” for another one. Or look on their front page for a code. 

That said, these are really well made. Far and above all I’ve seen.  I have asked for this company to give me a QR code number so people could just input that and order without all this, but for some reason, that I cannot figure out, they will not accommodate this.

I have tried many ways and failed at getting them done for me in bulk,  thus I am choosing to spend my time on my skill of metal fab!


Thanks so much





Argentine Parrilla Grills Live Fire BBQ cooking with wood
Argentine Parrilla Grills Live Fire BBQ cooking with wood
Argentine Parrilla Grills Live Fire BBQ cooking with wood
Argentine Parrilla Grills Live Fire BBQ cooking with wood
Argentine Parrilla Grills Live Fire BBQ cooking with wood
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